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Постинги в блога от Юли, 2016 г.
24.07.2016 01:24 -
A Complete Encyclopedia Of The Largest Prehistoric Animals Vol.2 Invertebrates Part 2 Arthropods Ch.1 Chelicerata - Eurypterids, enormous sea scorpions
You find yourself sitting at the edge of a lake. It"s a beautiful day: The sky is a clearer blue than you"ve ever seen it. Even the air feels cleaner, easier to breathe. You decide to wade into the lake; the cool water fee...
You find yourself sitting at the edge of a lake. It"s a beautiful day: The sky is a clearer blue than you"ve ever seen it. Even the air feels cleaner, easier to breathe. You decide to wade into the lake; the cool water fee...
22.07.2016 23:15 -
A Complete Encyclopedia Of The Largest Prehistoric Animals Vol.2 Insects part2 Myriapoda and Siphonaptera
1.Amynilyspes 2. Zanclodesmus 3. Arthropleura 4. Hexecontasoma 5. Gaspestria
Nearly 13,000 species of arthropod are classified in the Myriapoda, the "many-legged ones." All myriapods are terrestrial forms. Like insects and other...
1.Amynilyspes 2. Zanclodesmus 3. Arthropleura 4. Hexecontasoma 5. Gaspestria
Nearly 13,000 species of arthropod are classified in the Myriapoda, the "many-legged ones." All myriapods are terrestrial forms. Like insects and other...
17.07.2016 17:45 -
A Complete Encyclopedia Of The Largest Prehistoric AnimalsVol.2 Insects part1 Meganisoptera, Palaeodictyoptera and Hymenoptera
Insects (Insecta)
Insects are the most evolutionarily successful group of organisms in the 4-billion-year history of life on earth, with perhaps 5 million species alive today and untold millions of extinct species. Although fossils o...
Insects are the most evolutionarily successful group of organisms in the 4-billion-year history of life on earth, with perhaps 5 million species alive today and untold millions of extinct species. Although fossils o...
17.07.2016 00:17 -
Encyclopedia Largest prehistoric animals vol.1 Vertebrates - end and farewell briefly about for the largest salmon ever lived
Идеята ми за поредицата беше,че тя е предназначена за деца.Както за малките с ококорени към света очи и готови да поемат информация синапси невръстни отрочета на вида Хомо сапиенс сапиенс така и за все още незагубилите любопитството ...